On A Clear Day, I Can See Myself For Miles.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Facing Addiction.


I fell asleep
            with your aroma lingering
                        on my heart

Every breath in was
                        a new experience.

Your scent seduces my body
with every heart pulse,
            intoxicating my system.

It won’t be long now
            before my addiction
                        whispers for me to inhale you in
                                    bringing my senses
                                                one step
                                                            closer to ecstasy.

Lawerence King.

Have you heard of Lawrence King
Shot today in school
The gun fired softly
I heard no fatal blow
In the court yard
In February snow.

The shot hit him squarely
Painted a rainbow
Of blood in February snow
Could his death have been prevented?
Will anyone ever know?
There laid Lawrence King
Shot with hatred in February snow.

I heard he planned on college
On life away from this freak show
I heard him talk about his dreams
On moving to California
He said he hated February snow.

The snow lifted his body
Above the perverse ground below.
There laid Lawrence King
Dead and gay in February snow.

Note:  http://www.rememberinglawrence.org/

Crashing Heartbreak.

senior year

I worry about the future,
            do you not see this crashing wave?
its peak is now and I fear somehow
            the fall cannot be saved.

The wind is changing and I feel
            the heart’s beat speed up and down.
Yet there you are – you seem so far,
            I’m yelling for you but there’s no sound.

Fear consumes me. I shake with excitement.
            The world is my unwritten book.
You are a chapter; can you be the plot rather
            than someone whose heart I took.

So young and beautiful, so much time to make up.
            Where do we go from here?
For the first time, I don’t have a line,
            this situation begs to remain unclear.

The Murder of the Rose.

senior year

look sister, quick sister
do you see what I have wrecked?
by accident, sweet accident,
there I did it while clearing weeds
it was your flowers I was trying to protect.

stomp left, step right
there stood one magnificent flower
one rare rose (unpicked pride)
and the Bee hissed in my ear
the feeling of jealousy raged inside.

we stared each other down
the rare rose and I
it flawed no visible flaw
but the Bee breathed buzzing
and I felt the control before me.

Shamefully, I picked the rare rose
before its well deserved time
in its outstanding prime
my mind seasoned my fatal actions
to make believe. I pulled a weed.
No one would believe your rose was real.
And its murder was my gardener’s deed. 

Relaxed, But Going Places.

I look at you sometimes
that you’ve had some of
    the experiences
you’ve had.
I look at you and know
    that you’re one of those
special individuals,
    one of those people who
        make an impact on life.
    My life.
I am cocky.
    I feel smug knowing that I’m    
intelligent enough to not let you walk
                     relaxed by going places
    through my life
    without me taking full advantage
                 of all the joys
Your friendship brings to me.
Be relaxed but those places you go?
    Let me follow;
        Your pace soothes my soul.


    rays and sparks
    revealing, healing
    breathing life into
        nature, worlds, thoughts, smiles.
the warmth is contagious.
    spread thickly
like my grandma’s quilt
    encompassed in safety.
when a spirit falls
    the sun guides them through
the light-lits shadows
    nightmares flee from insecurity
    good glides in the bright wake.

sparks and fireworks.
candlelight and lighters.
    reveal time to tell.
    life is lived well.

Catch Me.


She dropped me
                        let me fall and then
                                    caught me
                                                before I crashed
                        and then she
                                    dropped me

and she caught me quicker
            this time around.
                        i was comfortable.
            she dropped me

and i felt reassured she would
                        catch me
                                    but she let me fall
i lay broken and openly damaged.
            she became my killer of layers.
                        my trust used to be given, not earned.
                        now it’s on guard and reserved.
i wait for the day you let me
                                    and don’t step in to
                                                            catch me.